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Shoot Four; Jewellery Advertisement

Productions and final results

For this particular task we were set to find a type of editorial photography we commonly see in magazines such as; Fashion, Food and Jewellery. We then had to find something to take influence off of.
My topic was Jewellery based and I used models to portray my concept and ideas around Jewellery. Here I found models wearing the Jewellery and took the idea and put it into my own work. For the shoot I want to mainly focus on the models Jewellery and not the features of the model therefore I want to minimise the view of the models acual face and body and just keep the Jewellery as the main aspect of this particular shoot.
The settings on the camera will be manual so I can manipulate them to the surroundings. The ISO will be high as the lighting inisde is dark.
The photographs for the shoot were very deep into the concept and showed alot of my thought track behind them. The photograph you see on the left is strong as it shows the strength of the flashgun. The editing was very basic and just a use of the burn and dodge tool on photoshop. The other two photographs were very good and strong in a sense of colour and contrast of thematal tones and shades. The main idea behind ever photograph on this shoot is the 'Silver' touch on every piece of Jewellery wether it be the silver chain or a silver plate/ outter line of the Jewel shape. The photographs below were strong together as a set as the models clothing contrasted with the brightness of the silver on the pieces of Jewellery.
The left photograph is strong in contrast.
The right tumbnails are strong into colour and concept.
The photographs on the left hand side show a strong idea behind them and a common 'Sliver' theme which all photographs link well too. The silver can be seen in the headband and also in the earring and even in the main chains/outer rings of the pieces.
The images show a common idea of female desire for Jewellery which was an accident at first but then was pointed out to me by a model.
The main thing that portrayed well in my photo shoot was the main idea of silver and shiny tones coming from the Jewels.
The flashgun helped to show these to its strongest shine and so I would not change the flashgun settings if I was to re-do this particular shoot.
The thing that did not show from my photoshoot was the use of my grey background as it only made a less contrast and solid colour due to the creases and darker tones on the backdrop.
Overall the shoot was succesful and showed the main theme of 'Silver' in Jewellery.
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