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Mobile Street Photography

For this photoshoot the task is to go out onto the streets and create photographs with a common theme using our mobile phones. We then need to edit them using our phone software and a wide variety of free editing apps for our mobile phones.
I have decided that I would like to focus on the opposite theme to my first task and make this one focused on masculinity of men.
I plan to go to places with quite a large variety of people and a vast majority of them being male so I can keep to my theme.
I have chosen Romford and Newbury Park as the areas around and in these are rife with people and very busy during the weeks with people going out shopping or even coming out of stations.
I will be keeping an eye on the people but not to make eye contact so I seem invisible to my subjects.
With my mobile phone and myself I will make it look as though I want to take a selfie or if I am just checking my screen and then press the volume button to take the photograph very quickly.
The areas are very easy to blend into as alot of them are students that will make me disappear as I have my student lanyard.
I will focus on the person by holding the camera to the persons figure then snap the photograph, I will keep the lighting on the people to outised sun light as I feel as though sunlight diffuses better when someone is directly in the suns light.
The compositions of the photographs will be very middle framed and based on the middle as it is easier for me to hold the phone with my hand and hold it to the middle of my screen.
Productions and final results

Theme: Masuclinity and men.
Objective: Sharp and well composed street photography of men and people with a masculine feel to them.
This photoshoot was very strong in concept and my ideas behind the photographs. Each photograph brings forth an emotion in the peoples faces which works well and gives it a story to tell.
The big photograph we see on the left is nicely lit and very contrasted to the light hitting the bus shelter and him being away from the light. This specfic photograph is very deep in meaning with the man being too grumpy to want to see the light of day and he tries to avoid happiness.
The other photographs came out very strong in composition but were very under exposed and needed more focusing.
This photograph came out well in composition as the two people are balancing height off one another so it gives a foreground and a background to the image.
The leading lines on this image were in no way intentional but worked in my favour once the image was taken, as we can see the lines on the pavement are bringing the people to the camera and the lines of the road help with that because its leading towards the people.
Also the bus we see in the background leads us to them as we know the bus is heading further away from the camera so it leads our eyes to the pople heading in cameras direction.
The composition of the people is well timed as it shows them in the middle of the frame walking up towards the camera.
The exposure of the image is very dark and needs to be more in sunlight but it was due to the sun being behind the building to the left so I could not help that but overall the light that was being used was nicely diffused over the people and it was done so by car window reflections and reflections off the buildings windows.

The photograph on the left is strong in composition and leading lines, this photograph links well to Zac Arias as his work is very composed and full of colour.
The photograph was taken very quickly in the manner of me checking my phone screen and clicking the volume button. This worked well in composition for me as he is behind a leading line of the pole in the middle of the frame and the faint lighting gives off a very weird context behind it meaning 'Silver Lining'. This quote I found quite intriguing and relatable to this image as we can actually see a silver lining defining his face and the clothing of the man.
The newspaper gives off a feel of older man who is going through his prime and living a happy, healthy life as he is reading the health part of the newspaper and is sat strongly holding this in the frame of the window.
The photographs on the right are well poised photographs but needed more to them in context to reach my target theme.

This photograph is full of things that make it very well done photograph. The lighting of this photograph is spot on as he is walking towards the exit which has a beaaming blue light effect on him and his shirt.
The context is shown to be a busy man who works in a office is taking a work call and bustling his way to work, this meaning hes late or trying to get to somewhere as soon as possible.
The leading lines of the wall and the gate were amazing to be there and were not intentional to my photographs. The man is fitted well into the middle of the image and the many lines are leading us to him and his stuff.
The positioning and angle of this photograph is also very strong as it gives an angle to the photograph using the rails to guide us to the angle end.
The photograph does need a few more highlights as it is quite dark around the walls and on the floors so I could have possibly followed from outside and let the blue light hit him more and capture more the confused facial expression he has on his face.
This photograph was take using the screen cleaning technique and led me to blend into the people using their phones in my surroundings.

Overall the photoshoot went well and showed a great idea and theme. The photographs were mostly in focus and were very well composed.
The main thing I would take away would be the lighting and the intentions and transform those techniques to my own camera work.
The main thing I feel should improve would be the highlighting and trying to get a stronger highlight on most of these people as it then gives depth to the whole image.
The invisibiltiy skills worked well and I think I will be taking them away from this task and putting them into my own camera work and then developing further on my camera skills knowledge.
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