Production and recreation

Final Results

JR Research
JR is a French portrait photographer and a avid activist to many social reforms and changes.
He was born and raised in the suburbs of France and became devoted to the art of graffiti. The influences of his work came from social and economic problems in the world and also the urban surroundings that he was brought up in.
JR feels his work should not be limited in where he shows his work therefore he puts them in the surrounding areas on walls and buildings.
His work can be both shoulder up portraits or cropped portraits into eyes and then edited into black and white to give the face a more concentrated feel.
I personally find JR's work appealing and interesting because he uses a lot of funny facial expressions to make issues more light hearted and seen as 'silly'.
I feel I will take his use of facial expressions and eyes into my work as I do feel that issues we have that are smaller than worldly issues are still really silly.
I also feel his use of issues becoming solved is a good way for me to portray my work as in my work I want to approach the stigma around mentally ill people and how people believe a specific look and actions are signs of being mentally ill.
Here I wanted to make the originals into a more black and white feel like JR's work and style I also edited the pictures into both eyes and just cropped out faces because I really liked the identity loss with just the eyes plus eyes are a very attracting feature when in a photograph as they tell you alot about emotion.
I wanted to also target young people, teens and adults as they diverse in known mental illnesses. I wanted to take pictures of young people first as theres a statistic that says children being put into eductaion before they are ready is damaging to their mental health and body health as it is too much stress on their shoulders so I really liked that to be my main target.
Also with adults and teenagers I wanted to target the idea that the higher your age the more likely to be mentally ill so I wanted to use that as a social context.
I do feel that I need to take much sharper photographs for the peoples eyes and faces because they would stand out more where I place them on walls and on signs.
I do really like the black and white effect and I would take the pictures in a more landscape way so that I can just get eyes.
Overall the end results were really good and a few came out really realistic and the way I had to crop and rub out some sections during the editing process was a good touch.
I really liked the locations matching up to the pictures as the child eyes are a good match to the pre-school wall landscape I took and the way they match really well in size and perspective was a bonus to the image.
The shading was really good when I took the photograph because it merged well with the shades and light on the wall.
I do feel like some of the pictures need to be edited to blend into the walls and locations as they do seem really odd and out of place.
The idea was to make them look less edited and more realistic but only a few look decent but a few also seem really unusual and strange so I could probably edit the exposure and use the lighting and perspective tools to experiment with the lights and create straight lights from other angles.
I also feel some of the images were not too ambitious so I feel that I should take more pictures that are more direct and ambitious to the main idea of mental health.