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The photograph on the left is good as the brightness of the red showed up from below with a hint of green in the shadows of her shoulder.
The photographs on the left are very strong as they show more emotion like Klein's work.
These were the best photographs from the inspirational shoot and they were very bright like Steven Klein's 'Nicki Minaj' photograph. The colours I used made the work very emotionally specific which gave me a deep dark feel to them. This at first was not intentional but then I went along with it. The work then changed for me as they came across strong in the Sexual, Evil and Loving emotions. The photograph on the left side was very deep which came across as successful and the bottom two photographs were more emotionally drawn to lust and sexual desire. The work ended up being strongly influenced by Klein as this was our task given.
With this shoot I focused on the colouration of my photographs as they are portraying alot of my emotional thoughts and feelings behind the meaning of the photograph.
This benefitted me in terms of foreshadowment and a direct concept on how within love comes darkness.
This work was directly inspired by the artist Steven Klein.
His work is very anti-fame and always about darkness in celebrities lives.
The camera was set up on manual mode for everything with the flash guns on the light intesity of 1/64 and the shutter speed of 1/125 and an aperature of F/7.1.
These allowed me to get a clear crisp photograph with no natural light as the flashgun cancels it out.
Overall the photographs came out very strong and the lights enhanced strongly with the contrast of blue and red.

For this photography shoot I decided to use Steven Klein as my inspiration again as his work shows alot of pure evil and darkness. Our task is to be inspired by a photographer and create a shoot or set of photographs around the type of work the photographer does. For my photography I wish to use hard lighting on my models with colours as they create the eerie theme of dark side of family and relationships. The models I will be using will be specifically chosen to be both male and female and the outfits for the shoot will be normal everyday outfits. The main idea here is to not re-create any photographs but to just gain inspiration from the photographers style and interpret it onto my own work. The location will be both indoors and out doors of my local area as I need the natural light and a bit of darkness.
Inspirational Shoot
Productions and final results
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