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Jim Campbell Street Photography

Jim Campbell is a contemporary modern photographer that puts his own photographs on a LED screen to create a lightly lit work in mostly negative contrasts and then leaves the images on a long shutter speed to get the blurriness from the people walking past.
His work interests me as it is literally STREET photography as the poeple are just shadows and the streets are very well focused and lit making them the subject to the overall image. This style is new to the photography world and often is debated as to wether it is street photography or not.

In this photograph I really like the use of normal people but as the image attracst us closer to the front of the frame we begin to see a fading set of people so meaning that the people just become movement and not actual human beings walking the street.
The context of this image can go deep as the image could mean that eventually everything fades away but the landscapes stay longer than us humans live.
On the otherhand the image also says that we become shadows to the street as no one pays attention to us out and about because we are 'Strangers'.
This image is really nice in the way it is set as a purely street photograph and the people being the consistant blurriness.
This photograph intrigues my eyes as there is no subject to the image as the people are faint blurs but the lines off the wall still lead my eyes around the image but arrive at no destination.
The photographs do require the camera settings to be very specific and the setting to be neutral the whole period of time as the image is being taken.

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