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9 Shots Street Photography

9 Shots photography is a group photography movement that does alot of 'Social realisation' phtography because of modern technology and the way it affects us a people.
They do like to showing minorities in full blown images such as homelessness and even the jobless people.
This really interests me as this is something that most people dont immediately go to plus this is my first group research adn they dont really give their names out so I could not do individual person research. They do alot of campaign photography and their work has been featured in 'Time Out' and 'Photography 101' magazines and publications.
The movement started in the early 2000's and is still continuing the ideas and projects.

I really liked this photographs leading lines and compositioning as it is all being elad to the lightly lit lady who is sat directly in the middle with a very peculiar expression upon her face which gives us the feeling she does not like the photographer who is taking the photograph of her.
The image is subjected to the area and its inhabbitants which in this case seems to be elderly people near a local park and it looks like a very broad area in London or maybe Central Park in America due to how the lights are designed in the back.
This photograph is one of the series about inhabitants of an area and specifically showing the minorities like here we see two people that seem to be homless or even jobless enjoying a coffee but then they get distracted by the photographer who takes a surprise photograph of them.
The way the lady is sat on the raling shows how it was all thought out beforehand and not immediate take and run candid photography.

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